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Elder Abuse Restraining Orders

Elder abuse is a serious and very real phenomena.  It takes many forms, including financial fraud and theft.  Sadly, it is often committed at the hands of loved ones, family, or paid caretakers. 

Image of an elderly couple with a female behind a male.
Logo of Benjy Law Corporation, a full service law firm in Beverly Hills, California.
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(310) 203-2650

An elder is defined as any California resident who at the time of the incident(s) is 65 or older.

Stop Abuse, Fast

Image of an elderly man that looks despondent and has his hand covering his mouth.

An elder abuse restraining order legally prohibits the abusive person from continued contact with the victim.

Free Legal Consultation
(310) 203-2650

Once issued and properly served on the culprit, future contact with the victim may result in arrest and criminal prosecution.

Image of a senior citizen man looking at his mobile phone and sitting in front of an open laptop.
If you or your loved ones are 65+ years old and are suffering abuse in any form, you should immediately seek the advice of competent legal counsel.
is ready to help.
Bob Benjy, Esq.

Trusted, experienced and tenacious counselor at law.

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(310) 203-2650


Duress. Theft.  Fraud.

Coercion.  Forgery.

Improper Gifts or Transfers.


Striking.  Assaulting.

Pushing.  Shoving.



Isolation.  Verbal Attacks.

Demeaning.  Belittling.

Bullying.  Threatening.


Ignoring.  Failing to Provide

Necessary Food, Medicine

or Medical Attention.


 Benjy Law Corporation

(All rights reserved.)


The information throughout the domain is purely for informational purposes and should not be relied upon as legal advice.  This domain is intended as a marketing and advertising communication with potential clients.  Please do not rely upon any information stated herein and make sure to seek the advice of competent legal counsel before taking any action that may impact your legal rights. Benjy Law Corporation is not your attorney unless and until a formal, written engagement letter has been signed by you and Benjy Law Corporation.


The information on this web site is for purposes of legal advertising.


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